Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Star Wars

After discussing the movie in class I realized how much of a genious George Lucas is. He created a great parallel between good and bad with more than just the obvious characters. He did it with technology, which we talked about in class. I find that the technology aspect of good and bad is such an important message to display and the way he did it was so interesting. He shows the "bad" use of technology threw Darth Vader the evil character who is consumed by technology and needs it to live. Darth Vader relys on technology for his power and life, it displays a negative affect on his ability to be human. There are definent connections to this in real life I remember when there was a big controversy in the news about four months ago regarding a woman who relyed on a breathing aporatice and suffered extreme brain damage. In this case she was a vegitable incapable of doing anything for herself and her parents wanted to keep her alive using new medical technology and machines. As for her husband saw that it was inhumane and cruel to keep her alive in that state of living where she was inable to show emotion or do anything for herself. As well as the amount of people who refuse cell phones because they dont want to be tied down to such a tiney pice of technology. Does Darth Vader seem to be tied down in a way?
I think he is, he rarely ever leaves his ship and withought his "charger" or little pod he sits in his power would be obsolete. There is a certain amount of technology that Darth Vader relys on and without that technology he wouldnt be the sinister character we see on the t.v.
When I talk about the good side of technology, I am talking about R2D2 who makes a totaly unhuman machine seem more human. He represents a positive role of technology such as new medical advances, or conviniences that technology displays in todays society. I think technology brings people closer together if it wasn't for cell phones or new programs on the web I wouldnt be able to keep in contact with the people I love in Brazil. I think letters can be intamit but to have the ability to reach that person in a matter of seconds is amazing. I think R2D2 shows how people and technology can congeel and make better connections between people. R2D2 was a big help in getting Luke back to his friends he also helped the ship escape Darth Vader. He played a posotive roll in what technology can do for people and showed that it can bring people closer.

1 comment:

mISTERnAIL said...

nice connection back to your experience. i wonder, too, just how much maintenance vader has to go through. that's an awful lot of equipment to be powered by duracel.