Friday, April 6, 2007

A motif i seem to notice in "Star Wars" is the higher the rank in officer abord to star ship the more they seemed to look like Darth Vader (unhuman) as well as the dark green faded to black. As for the lowest rank wore white which were the ground troops who ran threw the base looking for Luke. As for my book it was realy interesting that there was a direct connection with Luke Skywalker to Norton in my novel. When Norton was investigating Rama he had a strange sensation that he had been there before and it was the most awkward feeling for him because Rama is over a million years old and that he felt it was imposible to feel like he had been there before. When Luke Skywalker landed on that planet to see Yoda he said that it felt like he had been there before it was realy suttle but interesting none the less. I am excited to see what happends next in both my book and the movie to see what other conections can be made between the two characters. Star Wars is similar to a novel because the dialog and relationships between the character are very real. Luke Yoda and r2d2 seem to have a relationship that mimics the sub plot of han, leia, chewy, and the android. This makes it easyer to get into the movie because theres more than one thing going on at once and the sub plots allow the story to develop and become more complicated. I like that r2d2 and Luke are like chewy and Han, r2d2 and chewy seem to play the best friend character and for the time being both characters have to rely on the people around them to survive from Darth Vader.

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