Wednesday, April 11, 2007

The major conflict in my book revolves around time. How much time the endeavor can stay on Rama before it gets too close to the sun. There is also the issue on how Rama will react to the climate change. Rama is an enclosed ecosystem that has been froven below 270 degrees celcious. As of now the teperature outside of Rama is over 500 degrees celcious and its heating from the outstide in. The metiorologist has predicted that once the ice starts to melt there will be a dramatic change in Rama's atmosphere. He predicts Huricans and a bunch of them...This is so interesting because it directly relates to the Earth and global warming. What will happen to the endeavor once the water begins to melt?

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Star Wars

After discussing the movie in class I realized how much of a genious George Lucas is. He created a great parallel between good and bad with more than just the obvious characters. He did it with technology, which we talked about in class. I find that the technology aspect of good and bad is such an important message to display and the way he did it was so interesting. He shows the "bad" use of technology threw Darth Vader the evil character who is consumed by technology and needs it to live. Darth Vader relys on technology for his power and life, it displays a negative affect on his ability to be human. There are definent connections to this in real life I remember when there was a big controversy in the news about four months ago regarding a woman who relyed on a breathing aporatice and suffered extreme brain damage. In this case she was a vegitable incapable of doing anything for herself and her parents wanted to keep her alive using new medical technology and machines. As for her husband saw that it was inhumane and cruel to keep her alive in that state of living where she was inable to show emotion or do anything for herself. As well as the amount of people who refuse cell phones because they dont want to be tied down to such a tiney pice of technology. Does Darth Vader seem to be tied down in a way?
I think he is, he rarely ever leaves his ship and withought his "charger" or little pod he sits in his power would be obsolete. There is a certain amount of technology that Darth Vader relys on and without that technology he wouldnt be the sinister character we see on the t.v.
When I talk about the good side of technology, I am talking about R2D2 who makes a totaly unhuman machine seem more human. He represents a positive role of technology such as new medical advances, or conviniences that technology displays in todays society. I think technology brings people closer together if it wasn't for cell phones or new programs on the web I wouldnt be able to keep in contact with the people I love in Brazil. I think letters can be intamit but to have the ability to reach that person in a matter of seconds is amazing. I think R2D2 shows how people and technology can congeel and make better connections between people. R2D2 was a big help in getting Luke back to his friends he also helped the ship escape Darth Vader. He played a posotive roll in what technology can do for people and showed that it can bring people closer.

Friday, April 6, 2007

A motif i seem to notice in "Star Wars" is the higher the rank in officer abord to star ship the more they seemed to look like Darth Vader (unhuman) as well as the dark green faded to black. As for the lowest rank wore white which were the ground troops who ran threw the base looking for Luke. As for my book it was realy interesting that there was a direct connection with Luke Skywalker to Norton in my novel. When Norton was investigating Rama he had a strange sensation that he had been there before and it was the most awkward feeling for him because Rama is over a million years old and that he felt it was imposible to feel like he had been there before. When Luke Skywalker landed on that planet to see Yoda he said that it felt like he had been there before it was realy suttle but interesting none the less. I am excited to see what happends next in both my book and the movie to see what other conections can be made between the two characters. Star Wars is similar to a novel because the dialog and relationships between the character are very real. Luke Yoda and r2d2 seem to have a relationship that mimics the sub plot of han, leia, chewy, and the android. This makes it easyer to get into the movie because theres more than one thing going on at once and the sub plots allow the story to develop and become more complicated. I like that r2d2 and Luke are like chewy and Han, r2d2 and chewy seem to play the best friend character and for the time being both characters have to rely on the people around them to survive from Darth Vader.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Right now in my book the Endeavor and it's crew members are scoping out more and more of Rama and it's hidden mysteries. Rama is completely frozen and the archaeologists are struggling to find out more about it, but everything seams to be completely clean and un-aged. They even describe the structures on Rama to be older than anything we have on earth even the great Pyramids, yet, it looks completely new. Rama posses so many questions even for these great scientists and archaeologists who have been on many space expeditions before but they've never seen anything like this. Rama is also approaching the sun at a rapid pase and the Endeavor doesn't have much time to find out more about this planet. I wonder if Rama will aproach the sun ...too close for comphort and it will end up unfreazing all the hidden treasures the explorers hope to discover. If this were to happen the Endeavor and all of its crew members will be in danger.

Monday, April 2, 2007

Faith seems to be the last thing on peoples minds in this book. As for the relationship between characters, my last chapter was all about how apreciative the staff abord the Endeavor was for their Simps. Simps are (syntheticaly) geneticaly alter chimpansese who are are incredibly inteligent in different feilds of work. The four chimps names are Blackie, Blondie, Goldie, and Brownie. (These names are rediculess). The simps cook, clean, carry out routine jobs, even carry tools. They stand streight up and are "programed" to understand sertain words in english and reply only with sign language. There was someing about not being able to give them lungs. The simps can work 15 hour days and not get tired or bored even when carrying out a tedious task. Their amazing and the crew on board the endevour loves to have them. Chief Steward McAndrews was their handler because he could speak fluent "simplish". The simps were also affectionate and in my book it describes how people have their favorite simp. The problem with getting attached to a simp is if there was an emergency the simps were incapable of using a space suit and therefore some may die in case of a security breach. This also is dangerouos for the crew if one were to be attached to a simp and put himself and the crew in danger in order to save him/her. I still can't rap my mind around how this can be related to faith...A human attachment to an unhuman "animal" happends all the time. Maybe humans just like the fealing of being attached to something that a sycological form of faith, to find comfort in a thing or object?