Thursday, March 29, 2007

blog 2 of RWR

In my book "R.W.R." the endeavor (the spaceship) was a product of a group of people forming the Rama Committee. The Rama committee landed on the meteorite and began exploring the hollow shell of Rama. They knew it was or is occupied by alien life by the way everything is laid out there are fields rivers huge city like structures which the endeavor crew nicknamed after large cities around the world like N.Y. , Rome, Old Manhattan, Tokyo ...etc. The narrator is convinced that there is no alien life on this planet/meteor because all of his tests came back sterile. (a little piece of information i learned from biology....cyanobacteria is a uni cellular organism that is the base of the food chain w/o bacteria there would be no us.) I like how the book uses science to make it more convincing.

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